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Safety Standards

It feels like a long time since we closed our doors in March but we are so excited to see you all again very soon. Here is some information about what we have put in place to meet the government guidelines in relation to COVID. If you have any further questions, please get in touch by email [email protected] and we will be happy to help.
Despite some changes in how we run things, the heart of HYH will stay the same; warm welcome, expert teachers, wonderful community, your own sanctuary.

Classes and Equipment

  • Classes will run at a reduced capacity to allow greater distancing between mats
  • It is now mandatory to pre-book classes; you will not be able to arrive and wait to see if there is a space
  • For the health and safety for yourselves and the students we will not be providing any mats or props during this time. Please arrive at your class with a yoga mat, towel to cover the mat, towel to wipe sweat and any props you would like to practice with. Mats and towels will be available for purchase at reception if needed
  • When you enter the studio, you will see designated spaces for your mat, please place your mat there and remain on your mat throughout the practice
  • Some Pranayama/Breathing exercises will not be practiced and you will be guided to breath in and out though your nose. A great time to perfect your Ujjayi breath!
  • Students must wipe up own sweat puddles after class – if that means you have to bring another towel then please do so.
  • If blowing nose, students must leave the room to do so and put the tissue directly in the bin, then sanitise hands before returning to the room

Stopping the spread

  • Hand sanitiser will be available throughout the studio, please use this upon arriving and leaving
  • All of our team will have their temperature taken before each shift/class and will confirm that they have no symptoms
  • We ask that you arrive at the studio ready to practice. You will be shown where to store your belongings, please only bring what you absolutely need and do not bring large bags
  • Between classes the HYH space will be cleaned, all touch points sanitised and the air exchanged. A deep clean will also be carried out every day
  • The HYH team will have PPE available to them however, it is not mandatory.
  • For students, masks are not required for your yoga practice but must be worn at all other times when at HYH
  • During class our ventilation system constantly draws out old air and pumps in fresh air from outside, we are also increasing the fan rates to raise the rate of extraction. This may mean some classes feel slightly cooler
  • Between classes all windows will be opened to aid the flow of air
  • Our changing rooms and shower facilities are open, also at reduced capacity so please make sure to use these quickly to allow other students to use these facilities. The studio will close 15 minutes after class to allow for cleaning between classes. We still have spaces available in reception to keep your belongings and encourage you to use these where possible

Social Distancing

  • During this period, it is important that we all work together to maintain space between each other and follow the guidance signs throughout the studio
  • Students must social distance outside of the building, outside of the studio and whilst at HYH
  • The door to the building will be open 15 minutes before class
  • When arriving at the door to HYH please remain in a socially distant queue following the markings on the floor
  • Only 2 students will be allowed in reception at any one time. Please do not enter reception until the receptionist calls you in
  • When in reception please move through as quickly as possible, give the receptionist your name and place your items in the designated space
  • Please follow the markings on the floor and respect the space of the HYH team members and your fellow yogis
  • After arriving on your mat, we ask that you do not leave the room and walk through the studio unless necessary, to keep the flow of people walking through reception to a minimum
  • After class, the studio will close after 15 minutes to allow thorough cleaning between classes
  • You will be asked to leave the room in sections, please get your items from your designated space and leave as quickly as possible to allow a flow of people to travel out of the building

We understand that this may feel different to begin with, but we know the community at HYH has always been a strong one and we will help look after each other during these times.

The HYH Team